Snake Bite Protection - Tips to Stay Safe

The dreaded snake, no one wants to get bitten by a snake. Unfortunately what people want and what actually happens can be two entirely different things. For those living in the developed world, a snake bite is not very common. Even if a person is bitten in the developed world, for the most part anti- venom is on hand to prevent a death. There are as much as 2 million people every year that get bitten by a snake. Most snake bites take place in the undeveloped world more than anywhere else. India is the number one place for snake bites.
Here are some snake bite tips
If you ever get bitten by a snake you should never cut the snake bitten area to remove the venom. Cutting your skin is likely to cause tissue damage, this is not good for the bite as it will increase the blood rate around the bite. The more blood generally the worse things get. Cutting can also cause infection which you dont want also.
It is advised that you tie something above and below the snake bite but its not advised that you tie any thing over the bite. Doing so may result in you losing a limb, or worse still your life.
You should not try to cool down the area of a bite to stop it from swelling up. When a person has been bitten the area needs to swell and nothing should be used to stop it from doing so. It is a good idea to remove any rings and bracelets, you can do this even if they are no where near the bite.
Finally never use any medicine on the bite unless you have been direct by a professional to do so.
There are a number of things to avoid if bitten many are common sense, but some of the things above may not have been so obvious. A very important part of treating a snake bite is the ability to stay calm, not move around so much can help. Your ability to stay calm is very important when it comes to staying alive. You should always try to get in-touch with an emergency service when bitten.
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