Snake Proof Boots - Good Idea Or a Bunch of Hooey?

Snake proof boots, also often commonly referred to as just snake boots, are a great bit of outdoor clothing protection against venomous snake bites. But snake boots are also a little bit controversial, since there is some argument over whether or not they are necessary.
Some people say that normal hiking boots or regular cowboy boots can stop snake bites, but they're not specifically designed for this and the difference between coming out of a snake bite completely unharmed or taking some major venom from a big rattlesnake is an awfully big difference to risk on a "maybe."
Can normal cowboy boots stop a rattlesnake bite? Maybe. The answer you get depends on who you ask, and at least searching around online will give you answers on both sides of the field, so it's hard to figure out who's telling the truth, who isn't, or if this is just one of those questions that has a lot of gray and no clear cut answer.
Snake proof boots, on the other hand, stop snake bites from pit vipers and any other type of venomous snake you might run into. Period, end of statement. These boots will stop a snake bite, while there is still a major debate over whether or not cowboy boots, or normal hiking boots, actually do the same or not.
If you are going to be in an area that is known for having a lot of venomous snakes, especially if you are "out in the boondocks" where quick medical attention might be impossible, why in the world would you trust your safety to normal hiking boots instead of snake proof hiking boots? Why wear normal rubber boots in the swamp, when you can be wearing snake proof rubber swamp boots?
The question on whether or not snake boots are really necessary might continue to rage on, but as to the question of whether or not snake boots are a scam, the answer is simple: no. This type of footwear is designed to prevent the wearer from being injected with snake venom, and that's exactly what these specialty boots do.
Snake boots come in many forms, so whether it is for hunting wild turkey in a southern swamp, or going on a long adventure hike on the Appalachian Trail, there is a pair of snake proof boots that should be perfect for whatever you need them for. Why take a chance? Find a great pair of snake boots, and walk in secure confidence!

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